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so much stuff

i've got a stack of stuff to blog about. . .but probably will save some for tomorrow (or whenever i get another good opportunity to blog).

recently noticed that sports illustrated has rated the osu buckeyes #8 this year and u of m wolverines #12. i don't know where they are getting their information, but i think it is sadly lacking this time. you would think that a quality, well-read magazine would have better sources than to rank the buckeyes and wolverines so high this year. in fact, though i don't relish this thought, i would put michigan ahead of osu and neither team would make it into the top 15. but what do i know? the only correct sports prediction i have made this year is that the usa basketball team would not get gold. . .oops. that hasn't been totally fulfilled yet. it will. just wait.

speaking of which, puerto rico was not the better squad of athletes, but they played a smarter game all around. up till now, usa teams featuring nba players has never had to play smart. this year, if they don't play smart, they won't make it to the medal round.

a co-worker mentioned to me today that shaq's presence would not have made a difference in yesterday's game. his comment was based on shaq's performance in the last olympics. i disagree. even though i am not a big fan of shaq, he is more of a slammer than duncan. duncan missed several easy scoring opportunities because he didn't attempt to slam the ball. though his finesse moves normally work in the nba, they weren't working yesterday. shaq on the other hand would have most likely made more points by via his thundering jams. co-worker believes shaq would get called for too many offensive fouls. this is entirely possible. feel free to comment on this. another dispute was over the absence of carmello anthony. not sure why he wasn't played. . .especially against a zone defense. co-worker didn't think he would've helped at all. too bad we didn't get arroyo on usa team. we might've won.

i don't suppose reebok will sell too many replica jerseys this olympic year. . .but roots might just sell out of those berets. i wonder how many kids will wear them like allen iverson at the parade of nations. what a freak. . .even wears his headband upside down so the star points downward. i respect his game, but his personality and "style" leave much to be desired. sadly, many young people idolize him and try to look and act like him. yes, lack of style is a style, but not a positive one. unfortunately, it seems that few are looking for positive examples. . .and few want to be positive examples.

the olympics have given me cause to reflect on the mentality in our nation regarding work ethic. as i watch these athletes compete, it is obvious that they are not just "puting in their time". they have worked overtime to be the best they can be. they don't merely clock-in and clock-out and bum around for the rest of the day. they are focused on getting a job done and doing it better than anyone else. sadly, this doesn't translate into the cultural fabric of our country (as it apparently has in other cultures). most would rather just do a mediocre job (if that) and expect to be rewarded. it is sad that many politicians would have us believe that all americans deserve the same benefits and privileges. why should someone who barely gets his job done get the same "perks" as someone doing twice as much work in the same amount of time?
we seem to understand this in the realm of professional sports. the players that achieve the greatest success usually have the highest paycheck. if everyone were rewarded the same regardless of effort, very little would get done. . .and everyone would eventually lose out. whereas, if everyone was striving to do the best, more would be accomplished. i see it as no strange coincidence that many companies have started hiring outside the usa.

enough about that.

dodgers basically in the same place they have been for a while. . .right on top. which is a nice change of pace for this time of year. funny to see them going against former teammates in florida. 3 players exchange potential earthquakes for real hurricanes. nice move. dodgers up 1 - 0 in the 3rd. need to keep lo duca under control.

more later. . .

peace and java

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