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praise: jon seems to be completely recovered from whatever it was last friday. thank you for your prayers and concern on his behalf.

prayer: dave has an issue with his back right now.


some of you may find this hard to believe-but landon won the quiet seat award at mom smith's church last sunday. either the other children were very loud-or my son is learning!!! could it be?!? i hope so!!!

speaking of him learning... this week has been a very good week for him. he has been extremely obedient and respectful this week. i know-this week could be a very long week since last week was so good.

we drove up from ohio Christmas morning and arrived at my parents around noon. the present chaos began a few moments after that. auburn received the big sister dora doll, and she loves it. she also received a belle doll that she wanted, too. i think those two items, along with her swing/high chair/travel seat toy and her big blue fish have been the only toys touched this week.

dalton received a piano of sorts and a pop up toy that he loves to play with. he also loves to chew on the small plastic basketballs that he received.

landon received two more light sabers (he actually gave 2 away to his cousin, too) and a darth vader head/hat.

auburn looks hilarious in the head.

on tuesday-the whole fam went to meijer and landon picked out a toy with the remainder of his gift money. of course-it had to do with star wars-he picked out a character set that had 10 figures in it. he plays with them ALL the time.

dalton is getting around quite well now. here's how i found him in auburn's room.

this is the smile i get once he sees me.

here is a good pic to show how big he's getting. 18 mo shirts and 12 month pants are what fit him best now.

landon asked if he could hold dalton the other day-and then asked to have their pic taken. here it is-what cute boys!!!  =)

enjoy the beginning of a new year!!!

nic @ 16:33 | comments(89) | Permanent link

grandma smith's

praise: jon is doing just fine.

prayer: dalton sounds a little worse today.

playfulness: dave and one of his friends received the same playstation 2 game this year for Christmas-that way they could play online together even though they live in different states.


one night when i went in to tuck landon in, he started giggling as soon as i came near his door. he had taken my bathrobe and was wearing it-a feat which he was very proud of and thought quite funny.

my mother had brought us a swedish tea ring one morning last week. on day two-i found it looking like this-auburn had eaten all the tops with the sweet glaze off of it.

landon zipped off the bottom of his pants before bathtime and made them into hats for him and dalton.

landon received a narnia puzzle for a gift. he put a lot of it together by himself yesterday.

landon also received the book "macaroni and cheese, hot dogs and peas" this year. grandma smith made those items for lunch yesterday.

dalton loves the fan at grandma's.

landon and auburn decided to dress up as mary and joseph last night. have a merry CHRISTmas!

nic @ 14:49 | comments(510) | Permanent link

santa claus-real or fairy tale?

praise: dalton sounds much better.

prayer: dalton still seems to be running a low grade fever occasionally. not sure what is going on. hopefully nothing.

playfulness: is santa claus real or is he a fairy tale? well...according to our kids-he's neither. landon says he's a veggie tale and auburn calls him a ponytail. they can't remember fairy tale-so they have their own versions.

nic @ 23:07 | comments(20) | Permanent link


praise: jon is doing much better today. thank you all for your prayers.

nic @ 17:37 | comments(18) | Permanent link

jon update

praise: thank you for your prayers. the initial evaluation shows that jon was very dehydrated. we do not know the complete story-but that is what we have heard so far. the paramedics did not see the need to take him to the hospital at this time. if there are any further developments, i will post them here.

nic @ 14:31 | comments(20) | Permanent link

uncle jon

prayer: mom smith had to call 911 around 11am today for jon. she is not sure what is wrong-possibly another stroke. please pray for her and jon at this time. i will update my blog as i find out more information.

nic @ 12:03 | comments(19) | Permanent link

dalton signing "more"


Sorry for the movement in the video, but i was trying to video tape him with one hand and feed him with the other. enjoy.






nic @ 15:13 | comments(19) | Permanent link

here are our Christmas pictures

praise: dalton seems to be doing much better today. praise the LORD!

prayer: dave and i have sore throats again.


we had krispy kreme donuts to start our day out right.

here's dalton as a glazed donut. both because if trying his first krispy kreme, and because of his nose.

auburn loves her baby swing.

landon opened this present and saw the diaper box-"i don't want diapers!" once he peeked through the crack in the box and saw his grill-this was his response!  he was VERY excited.

nic @ 09:26 | comments(18) | Permanent link

bananas and blueberries

praise: auburn, landon and i all seem to be feeling a little better.

prayer: i'm not sure dalton is improving. i'm going to give the meds until thursday morning, then if still no improvement-we'll head back to the doctor.

playfulness: landon's quote: "mr. and mrs. fisher like bananas and blueberries. we like strawberries."

translation: mr. and mrs. fisher like the michigan wolverines. we like the ohio state buckeyes.

just about everything landon does, likes or says has some connection to food.

okay, now for the "long awaited pictures." the first one is landon's self-portrait done on his bag from sunday school. my personal favorite part are his fingers. there are five, they are just not attached.

these are the pics from our first (and only) snow that stuck for a day.

they both wanted to throw snowballs at me.

the following pictures are from our trip to the henry ford.

left to right: landon, auburn, evelyn, phillip, jenna

we couldn't get them all to look at the camera-so this will do.

even though this one is not pretty-i think it's my favorite!  =)

the kids had the opportunity to drive a miniture train. they loved it.

the kids also enjoyed going inside a model of an airplane cabin.

our annual book exchange with the "playgroup" was last week. the kids got to make cookies and play with their friends, as well as swap books.

the other little boy in this picture is landon's friend, andrew.

auburn got into the cream last week. i heard the water running and when i came down from my bedroom-she said "i can't wash this off". her hands were nice and smooth afterwards.

dalton is just squirming away these days. he has officially started to army crawl. that, mixed with his rolling and twisting, gets him into troublesome spots sometimes.

here is a picture of him when he's happy.

today his fourth tooth came in (third came in about a week and a half ago). fifth, sixth and seventh are soon to be here, too. he's also saying, "dadadadada".

one more picture for today. i'll post our family christmas later. this last picture is of the newest "member" of our house.


nic @ 16:40 | comments(17) | Permanent link

mild to worse!

praise: no one has pneumonia (yet).

prayer: everyone is sick (accept for dave). took dalton and auburn to the doctor today-expected dalton to be diagnosed with pneumonia-but not yet. the nebulizer is going to be our best friend for the next few days. i am so glad that we purchased one last year. when dalton and auburn woke up last night in the middle of the night with breathing difficulties, i was glad that i had something on hand to help them. they both were mildly sick when they went to bed, and somehow skipped being badly sick and went straight to worse (reasoning for today's title).

playfulness: sorry no pictures again-too much to get done right now.

yesterday, while i was scrubbing behind landon's ear during bath time, he said "God made me like that!" referring to the gunk behind his ear.

nic @ 21:57 | comments(17) | Permanent link

dalton's ouchie!

praise: i was able to take the kids, one of my nieces and my nephew to the henry ford museum today with a friend. she was able to get us in for free for their children's christmas activities.

prayer: pray for the little man. in my haste to help the kids with their crafts today, i put dalton in the stroller without strapping him in. he decided that he wanted to do the crafts too-and landed head first on the hard wood floors! ouchie-ouchie! doctors said he is just fine-but to keep an eye on him over the next few days.

playfulness: dalton is just as energetic today as he always is, inspite of his injury. he was playing with one of my avon boxes in the living room when he managed to flip it over and get it to land on his head. oh my word was it funny looking! he kept spinning in circles trying to see. i tried to get a picture-but my batteries died in my camera. i didn't have the heart to let him continue to spin and cry while i fixed my camera. maybe i'll stage it sometime when he's not frustrated! i do have pictures from the henry ford to post sometime-but not right now. i need to get the kitchen cleaned up and some Bibles imprinted.

nic @ 21:56 | comments(18) | Permanent link

new favorite site!

praise: my voice was strong enough to speak in lower elementary chapel this morning!

prayer: dalton is still sick.


playfulness: here's a link to my newest web find/favorite site for the moment.



purchased 4 cds for under $18 (including shipping)! 

nic @ 23:49 | comments(20) | Permanent link

where did november go?!?!

praise: we are fairly healthy. dalton had another round of his chest congestion and ear infection this past week. i've been sick as well, but i think we're on the mend.

prayer: that i'll blog a little more often!!!!  =) sorry about that! on a serious note-please remember dave, mom and jon during this holiday season. especially mom-it's a little harder on her since dad and her anniversary was the 23rd of dec.

playfulness: i can't believe it's been over a month since i've blogged. no, i'm not pregnant!!! someone told me that they knew i was pregnant with dalton because my blogging wasn't as frequent.  =)

we've had lots of funnies over the past month. the one memorable funny that there is no picture of is landon's newest word- "tick-ti-fied!" a person is "ticktified" when they're really upset.

the rest is going to be pics with commentary. i think starting in 2007, i'll just be blogging funnies and then posting pictures at the end of the month-unless something is just too cute. we'll see what really happens!

landon loves to assume new identities. most of them are characters that he has seen on cartoons or in books. can you guess these?


the first picture is landon as "snuffy" from "jay-jay the jet plane", the second is "spiderman" and the third is "spud" from "bob the builder." dave decided to get in on the action, too.

daltons excersaucer is also a stationary walker. the bulk of it spins around a stationary leg (near auburn). the kids found out that they could push dalton in a circle, and were having a grand time, too.

dalton loved pulling the baggies out of the box.

the little man has really grown to enjoy the johnny jump up. he can even help me with the laundry now (sort of). it's cute when he tries to walk forward and the jump-up pulls him back.


landon has been the victim of his siblings "affection". auburn's isn't really affection-she has been going through a bitting stage-as seen in the first picture. the bite marks were visible on his face for three days. dalton's is affection. he grabs whatever he can to pull you in and give a kiss-his grab was dangerous, as seen in the second picture. poor landon.


we decorated cupcakes for landon's 4.5 birthday. auburn kept licking the frosting-thankfully she only frosted one cupcake (for the entire time).


the day after the bucks beat u of m, the kids dressed up to show their osu pride.

my sister let us borrow her video of the lori berkner band (a cute kid's band). my kids are addicted to the "we are the dinosaurs" song. i think we listen to it in the kitchen several times a day. in the first picture the kids are "marching, marching, we make the earth flat." in the second picture they are doing the "stop and take a rest" part of the song.


just too cute not to post!

auburn sat still enough for me to french braid her hair. she actually requested it again this morning-but we didn't have time. she definitely is my little princess.


mom smith and uncle jon came up for thanksgiving. we had a nice visit.

while they were here, we put up the tree on the day after thanksgiving. landon was really into it this year-so auburn followed along.

notice the stockings on auburns feet. landon did it first-but he's wearing elf shoes in his pic.


landon wanted to help with the lights-i let him put the angel on instead. the lights could have been a little frustrating.


we have several branches on our tree with more than one ornament on them, which is why i'm calling this tree our precious tree (instead of a pretty tree). aunt michelle bought ornaments for all the kids to paint on thanksgiving day. they are on the tree as well. maybe i'll post some pics of the "beautiful" handiwork some other day.

dalton is getting up on his hands and knees quite frequently now. he doesn't like it when he gets stuck under something. he really didn't like being stuck under auburn's bed-but it was too cute to pass up a picture of it.

auburn decided that she needed to take the ornament that grandma and grandpa vandervort got her to bed with her.

i love dalton's "deer in the headlight" look! the antler headband makes it so much more real!

since i usually post cute pics of dalton-i thought i'd post some cute ones of my big kids. just in case you are wondering about landon's height, he is about three inches below my shoulder now. i think he looks so grown up in this picture.


in case i don't blog for a while again-merry christmas!!

nic @ 15:36 | comments(20) | Permanent link

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