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uncle jimmy

praise: my grandmother came through her surgery well.

prayer: my dad's youngest brother, jimmy (37), is scheduled to have triple bypass surgery tomorrow. the three arteries are 100 percent blocked. also, please pray for his salvation.

playfulness: i have so much to write about and so little time. i'll just have to record a few things each day for the next few days.

auburn had her first experience playing in a sandbox on the 22nd. she loved it!!! in one hand she held a small pot and with her other hand she was spooning sand into it, then dumping it, and doing it again.

this past weekend, we went to ohio for dave's family reunion. they have a chinese auction every year-landon won a green tape measure this year. he quickly became the coolest kid there. on our way back home from ohio, landon kept telling us that he had to go to the bathroom. at every stop, he would run into the gas station/restaurant and declare "it's not to bad in here!" most of the time, when we walked into the restroom he would decide he no longer needed to use it.

yesterday at meijers, auburn and landon were sitting in a double seat cart. while checking out, landon, for an unknown reason, decided to grab auburn's foot and bite it, sandal and all. needless to say, auburn didn't think it was as cool of an idea as landon did.

nic @ 20:27 | comments(189) | Permanent link

going to be a long one

praise: landon's blood work came back fine.

prayer: my dad's mom (grandma janson) is going to be having surgery on the 26th. please pray that it will be successful and that she will regain her strength quickly.

playfulness: this week i only had one Bible to imprint-but it was hilarious. the lady wanted it to be imprinted "foxy". who in the world wants "foxy" on a Bible? dave and i laughed every time we saw it.

landon and auburn made dave father's day cards this year. auburn actually did some of the coloring (in between attempts at eating the crayons). landon was elated that the white crayon worked. unfortunately, the yellow did not.

the ladies who worked with landon when he had to have his blood drawn did a wonderful job. inspite of that-landon was momentarily traumatized. he cried more than i had ever heard him. afterwards, he asked me "did they take all of my blood?" "why did they poke me?"

auburn has figured out how to put on shirts now. she doesn't get them on all of the way-but it's a good start.

auburn received a "sonya lee" doll for her birthday. it came with a comb and a dvd (of the little people). auburn loves to comb sonya's hair, and her own as well. landon loves to watch the dvd. part of the dvd has a scene with "the world's biggest ice cream sundae." it is delivered in a dump truck and once it arrives in the town center, michael drops a big cherry on it from an airplane. the next picture is landon's version of the sundae and the cowboy hat is his cherry. landon and auburn had a good time "eating" it.


today, i learned that auburn can smile on demand. i had the camera out and ready, then told her to smile-which she did. here's the pic.

hope you all have a great day!!!

nic @ 22:11 | comments(158) | Permanent link

no more dairy!!!

praise: we all seem to be mostly over the flu. dave was able to go back to work (not that i want him out of the house-i wish he could stay home).

prayer: landon had some blood in his stool this morning. doctor has told us to take him off of all dairy for a month. after doing some research online-i've concluded that we are all going to go off (as much as i can control) for this next month. landon's facial rash, dave's acne, and runny noses were all mentioned as possible results of too much dairy. we'll see what happens. i'm not looking forward to this-we eat a lot of dairy. if you have any good non-dairy meal plans-please send them my way.  nic@daveandnic.com

playfulness: landon likes to play that he is bringing us cookies on a tray. yesterday, he said they were hot, ran into the kitchen, retreived my oven mitts and then brought me his "tray of cookies." after i took one he warned me that they were hot.

auburn decided that she needed to help with the cleaning yesterday. she used her washcloth (from dinner) to wash dave's computer.

last night, i was attempting to give auburn some cereal before bed. she would only take about 2 bites for me, and then she was done. dave asked if he could try-he then proceeded to sing to her and she began to eat very well. he did a great job. i am truly thankful for his support and help (even if i don't always verbalize that).

speaking of support-dave went to the doctor with me this morning when i had to take landon in. i was glad he was there. i expected them to have to do a nasty test right there-but they didn't.

also last night, as we were getting auburn ready for bed, dave was holding her bottle as i was picking her up from his lap. in amazing quickness-auburn snatched the bottle from his hand as i was lifting her up. absolutely amazing. guess you had to see it to appreciate the quickness with which she grabbed her "buh-buh."

nic @ 12:19 | comments(955) | Permanent link


praise: the weather is much cooler today. it's nice not to be dripping in the house!

prayer: auburn still seems to have a touch of the flu.

playfulness: my sister and her husband are "bunny-watching" for an indefinite period of time. the kids and i went over to see the animal (which is the size of a cat) yesterday. neither of the kids were real comfortable at first. landon finally found the courage to pet it, but he was more interested in playing in the girls' bedroom. auburn was freaked anytime it came near. i have some cute pics in which she does not seem to be afraid, but if you could have heard the sounds she was making-you would know that she was not totally sure of the situation. she was more interested in hugging her cousin, philip.


auburn loves pictures, loves to have her picture taken, and loves playing with cameras. dave has joked about her growing up to be a photographer.

my husband should be a happy camper tonight-his new laptop for work came in today. he has been anxiously awaiting its arrival for a number of days now. so much so that he checked the shipping status numerous times throughout the day (somewhat like me checking friends blogs for new pictures of kiddies.) he is also treating us to papa john's pizza (his and landon's favorite pizza).

landon has really shown interest in spiritual things recently. he's been asking some good questions and making statements that indicate the Holy Spirit is working in his life. one of his most recent statements-"i don't like sin, I love God." he also asked, "should we pray and ask Jesus to help us to be good?" these things make dave and i very happy!

nic @ 15:28 | comments(194) | Permanent link

since i have nothing better to do...

praise: the weather is slightly cooler.

prayer: auburn has been very cranky the past few days-please prayer for my sanity and patience. we've had an onslaught of ants in the kitchen-just slightly irritating. dave has to take a prescription for his eyes-pray that it does the job.

playfulness: the phrase "since i have nothing better to do" has been the theme for my day. everytime i've been asked to do something-that has been my response. right now, i have my nieces and nephew. auburn and phillip are constantly irritating each other. as a result, there has been a constant whine sounding throughout the house since 1:00. it can really start to wear on one's nerves! on top of that, landon is having a hard time with his cousins playing with his toys. but...since i have nothing better to do...i can handle it just fine!  =)

i forgot to mention a funny story at the end of may. both landon and auburn received balloons for their birthdays. shortly after auburn's birthday-we caught landon trying to stuff auburn's balloon out the door.
today after picking dave up from his eye appointment, landon announced "i don't want three eyes!" we have no idea where the three eye idea came from-but it was funny!

nic @ 13:20 | comments(177) | Permanent link

6 years

praise: today is dave and my sixth anniversary.

prayer: mom smith has had a rough week.

playfulness: we celebrated our anniversary by going to lunch without the kids. after lunch, we went to target. it was nice to be able to walk through a store again, holding hands. (little kid hands don't count!) i also enjoyed not pushing a shopping cart!

auburn has really warmed up to her grandparents. she became excited when she saw we were at their house tonight.

landon was promoted to my sunday school class today. it will be interesting teaching him this year. i am really looking forward to teaching this class. dave and i couldn't have picked a better class for landon to be in. we are so thankful to the Lord for the good group of kids that landon is surrounded by. they have there moments-but they're only 3.

nic @ 21:53 | comments(1) | Permanent link

walking blind

praise: we all seem to be feeling better.

prayer: kids are literally dripping in our house. pathetic when it is more comfortable outside than inside on a 85 degree day. temperature inside the house today was over 90.

playfulness: auburn loves to put hats (or any cloth item) on her head and walk around. the funny part is-she prefers it to be covering most, if not all, of her eyes. dave tried to fix her hat so she could see-she promptly flipped the brim back down in her vision.

auburn with her bathing suit on her head (inside out as well).

landon finally was able to go outside tonight with his umbrella. he has been waiting for a gentle rain so we would let him enjoy!

in front of our house with his umbrella.

auburn figured out how to get on a chair today. she was quite proud of herself. also today, mommy discovered how rebellious her little heart is. when told to do something, she looked up, smiled at me and went on playing. when daddy told her not to take her shoes off, she reached for them, started to and then looked up at him to see what he was going to do.

nic @ 19:43 | comments(195) | Permanent link


praise: auburn is asleep.

prayer: both landon and i have the flu. auburn had shots this morning-so she is cranky, too.


playfulness: kids had their yearly check-ups this morning. landon is 40.5 inches tall and weighs 42 lbs. auburn is 31 inches tall and weighs 22lbs. 10.75 oz. she is a full inch shorter than landon was at a year and weighs just shy of 3lbs. less. inspite of this, she is still off the chart in the height category.


not much to tell today-we've just laid around today. the heat is really getting to all of us. i feel bad when the kids wake up from naps dripping with sweat-even when not fully dressed.

nic @ 18:05 | comments(97) | Permanent link

swim time

praise: landon and i prayed this morning that the rain would hold off so that he and his friends could play outside in the pool and with the sprinkler. the Lord answered!

prayer: dave is very tired. please pray that he does not get a migraine.

playfulness: a few days ago, dave showed landon what a flyswatter was and what to do with it. later that same day, landon came in, retreived the flyswatter, and went outside. when he came back in, he told us that he had just killed a spider.


today, we had landon's friends dylan and lydia over (along with their mommys and siblings). i took pictures (of course). auburn looked adorable in her swimsuit.

one last picture while still clean!

dylan and landon.

hope the mud comes out!

l to r:auburn, dylan, landon, lydia.

nic @ 15:28 | comments(120) | Permanent link


praise: we have power!

prayer: we have lost power two times in the past 24 hours. i hope this isn't a taste of what is to come this summer. the big power outage in 2003 was not fun.

playfulness: while on our way home from our walk to the bookstore, aunt michelle called to see if we wanted to come play in their sprinkler. we did. landon loved it-which is a big change from previous summers. i couldn't get him anywhere near a sprinkler last summer. tomorrow, we are having friends over to play in our tiny plastic pool and duck sprinkler. i'm glad we will be able to use it this year!

the kids have figured out how to fight over toys. mostly they fight over a straw. they both love to chew on them. auburn holds her own very well. she is very strong for a one year old, so when the tug-of-war begins, landon doesn't win easily.

well, better get going-auburn just realized that i am typing.

nic @ 14:59 | comments(6) | Permanent link

new toy

praise: auburn slept from 10:30 to 6:30 last night. that is the longest she has ever slept. i felt great when i got up.

prayer: pray for mom smith. she really needs to get a new car. dave is teaching the impact class tomorrow morning during sunday school.

playfulness: dave set up a new editor for my blog so that i can easily include pictures. now when i have a story with a picture - they get to be together! i wish i had a funny story to write about tonight.

anyway... i'll put up some pictures of the kids from recent days.

auburn at the zoo on may 30th.

landon helping me wash our front window. it now looks absolutely horrible. =)

nic @ 22:31 | comments(197) | Permanent link

ride and conquer

praise: our cranky boy is taking a nap.

prayer: the kids are not handling the warmer weather very well. pray that they will be able to make the adjustment.

playfulness: this is the second time i've typed this blog. auburn amazingly erased all that i had typed previously. i have no idea what she hit-she only hit one spot on the keyboard.

auburn found a fruit snack wrapper on the floor (thanks to her brother) and took it to dave. it was very cute seeing her walk across the living room. after giving the wrapper to her daddy-she tried to climb up and look in it. they then went to the kitchen for some more.

i forgot to blog about daddy's princess last sunday. she was wearing a sleeveless long pink dress, with matching hat, frilly socks, fancy shoes and a necklace. dave took one look at her and said "we need pictures." upon arriving at church, we pulled up to the doors where i usually get auburn out and take her to class. but sunday was different. dave told me "i'll carry auburn." so...i took landon and daddy and auburn went and parked the car and came in together. his little princess is becoming just that. she LOVES her daddy.

today, auburn figured out how to get on her bike and make it go backwards. she rolled over some laundry that i was preparing to do, and became stuck. although her problem solving skills are still developing, she understood that she needed to pick it up. the only part she didn't understand was that they were stuck under her.

nic @ 12:13 | comments(1) | Permanent link

counting backwards

praise: we had a wonderful week with dave's mother here.

prayer: dave's mom went back home today. please pray for her as she continues to adjust to life without dad, especially now that school is out and she is home a lot more.

playfulness: landon just finished putting his number caterpillar together (1-10), only he did it backwards starting from 10. i was quite surprised that he could count backwards.

auburn is trying to figure out how to get on her bike. she's trying to sit on it like a chair and it keeps moving!

nic @ 12:30 | comments(2) | Permanent link

not for the weak of stomach

praise: mom s. has been able to spend almost the entire week with us.

prayer: mom will be traveling back home tomorrow. please pray that she does not run into a lot of traffic complications as she will need to get her rental car back.

playfulness: dave surprised me the other day by getting me a pair of gold, hoop earrings. i have been wanting some that would not cause an infection in my ears for over a year now. he's such a sweetie!

yesterday, landon had a rough day when it came to restroom functions. while sitting and performing the number one duties, he decided to see if he could hit the wall opposite the toilet-he could!!! then, to keep that from happening again, i allowed him to stand the next time, at which point he decided to try the number two duties while standing. yes, i got to scrub the floor for a second time. =(

auburn and landon received some nice new gifts for their birthdays. landon plays with auburn's barn animals and auburn plays with landon's truck. glad they both got something to play with!!!!  =)

landon also received a water gun from grandma s. i took some videos of dave and landon squirting each other with their respective water guns (dave has an entire arsenal of them).

nic @ 09:33 | comments(15) | Permanent link

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