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they're in!!!

praise: dalton's first two teeth popped through today. the left bottom one this morning, the right bottom one this evening. two down, a "gazillion" to go.


landon's post-operative check-up went well.  dr. wants to see him again in 3 to 4 months.

my friend's dad's surgery was sucessful this morning.

prayer: my brother has some sort of bacterial infection on his arm. i guess it was hurting him to even lift it. he saw the doctor down in clearwater this morning and received a prescription for it. please pray that it will clear up.

playfulness: dalton wore a shirt to church tonight that landon wore at the end of october (remember that their birthdates are only 2 weeks apart). the kid is HUGE! i got on the scales with him again tonight-19.5 lbs.

after the other two were in bed, i put dalton on his belly propped up on his boppy to play with toys. he dug his feet in and pushed himself over the boppy-face first into the floor. it was kind of funny to watch. he didn't hurt himself (there was a nice fluffy blanket under him). he might be joining connor doing push-ups soon!!!! 


here's a good one from last week: landon yelss out to me: "auburn wants me to cut her hair mom!!!!!" i then realized i had left the scissors on the kitchen table. thankfully landon didn't do it. he told me about it first.

dave told landon one night before he went back up to the office: "you're the man of the house while i'm gone." landon made sure i remembered that. even yesterday he reminded me "i'm the man of the house!"

i forgot to mention that landon actually missed his sister one day. i think it was three days after his surgery. i sent her over to michelle's so that i could have a moment of sanity with just the two boys. after landon woke up from one of his many naps that day, he played for a while then noticed she was gone. he asked where she was-then said "i miss auburn." it was very sweet, and it warmed my heart/made me smile.


no pics today. hopefully some soon of the little teeth. kids came running out of their bedrooms to see them tonight when i announced the second one's "arrival." i had to explain to them that teeth don't just pop all of the way up, they start out very small.

nic @ 21:51 | comments(418) | Permanent link

new pics for house

praise: landon has been praying at night and at every meal for some extra money to do something special that doesn't fit into our budget. we were able to see some answer to prayer as we had a portion of the needed amount come in. he was very excited.

awhile back, i posted that we had qualified for the county's weatherization process. they began the work this past thursday and will complete it on monday. so far, we've had insulation blown into our outer walls and insulation put in our basement around the perimeter of the house above the cinderblocks.  they peeled back some siding, drilled holes between the studs, blew the insulation in, plugged the hole with fiberglass insulation, then put the siding back. picture is at the end of this post.

prayer: amber's dad is having either triple or quadruple bypass surgery early next week. please pray for the surgery to be successful and his recovery to be quick.

dalton's first 2 teeth are just about to break through. he's sleeping fitfully during this (although he has slept through the night 3 times this week). please pray that they come through and the pain subsides.

playfulness: i asked dave to design me a picture for above our kitchen sink that i could frame. i wanted a verse that helps me stay focused on the picture. here's what he did-isn't it WONDERFUL!!!

i ordered it this afternoon, and it should be in by the end of next week. i need to find the perfect frame now. (for those of you who haven't been to my house-my kitchen is done in grapes.)

for those of you who have been in our living room-you know that we have black and whites of the kids for our decoration. i decided that we needed to update them to include dalton. here are samples of what will be up.

those are the ones that will be used. here are some other cute ones of the boys.

dalton attacked one of his toys yesterday.

landon asked me to put together his wood bird that he received from sunday school.

the kids and i dipped our sliced apples in peanut butter-i love the fall! (well, almost.)

after auburn ate hers, she said she had a goatee (like daddy.)

landon had a mustache.

dalton after his bath.

picture of the insulation.

nic @ 16:27 | comments(11) | Permanent link

auburn funny

playfulness: auburn had a funny that i didn't want to forget-so here it is. While in the process of picking up her books, she came into the kitchen with a very sad face, looking downward and said, "i'm grumpy."

nic @ 12:17 | comments(9) | Permanent link

she's at it again!

praise: auburn is feeling better. today is the first day that she isn't having bowel issues. i'm glad.

prayer: dave has begun his school routine. preservice began yesterday. pray that we will adjust to the craziness that the school year brings-we've never encountered it with three before!!!!  =)

playfulness: well folks, my daughter is back exploring things again. her newest investigation included salt. here's the pic.

never thought i'd see a snow storm in the kitchen! 

we had chocolate donuts sunday before church-here's the end result of auburn's.

we recently "inherited" a sandbox from some friends that moved out of state. the next picture is of landon playing in it shortly after we brought it home.

landon helped me pick up the bags that were all over the hall floor after my "helper" auburn retrieved one for me. he did put them all back-but not quite as i had them originally.

i didn't post this pic of megan the other day-so i'll get it today. notice the way she is holding the gun-this is also how she shot it. hope she never tries a real one!

landon has been learning about king xerxes in sunday school. they've made a crown and a scepter so far. here's landon and dalton with them.

i've entitled this next picture "almost there!" dalton was trying so desparately to get out.

enjoy your day. i know i will mine!!! three sometimes-great kids, a wonderful husband and a free steak dinner tonight! what could be better!!!!  =)

nic @ 09:30 | comments(21) | Permanent link

dylan and megan

praise: landon is back to "normal".

prayer: allergies have struck again.

playfulness:  dylan and megan winnberg came over to play today. kids have had a great time riding trucks, playing on the swingset, playing in the water, etc. here's pics.

the next few are of the kids jumping in the water. meg, then dylan, then landon.

they also enjoyed the sprinkler. we put the pool at the end of the slide and they slid into it, but i failed to get pics. dave snagged some video of the water slide-so maybe he'll post it sometime.

meg and auburn helped me with lunch.

the remainder of the pics are family pics. i put dalton down in the living room on his back. when i came back-i found him like this:

guess his shirt was a little too snug. snapping it pulled it down quite far. i put the 3 to 6 mo clothes away yesterday. yes, my 3.5 month, 19 lb. son is wearing 6 to 9 month now. i can see a lot of grandpa smith in dalton.

i can't believe how much aub and dalton look alike in this next picture.

i mentioned in a previous post about dalton grabbing things. this last picture shows his new skill well.

have a great day.

nic @ 14:25 | comments(8) | Permanent link

thank you

praise: landon hasn't needed pain medication since last friday evening. he is also starting to eat.

prayer: please continue to pray for landon. occasionally he still complains about his stomach hurting.

playfulness: yesterday, landon and auburn were playing with the cootie game (not by game rules). auburn got mad at landon and chucked one of her figures at his head.

today, landon came down while i was working on something in the basement and said "auburn's in the crib". that's where i found her-in the crib with dalton playing all of his musical toys.

dalton is rolling over very well now. he tried from his stomach to his back last night, but didn't quite make it. he's still the happiest kid. so easy to make smile. he is starting to show a little will though. pray that we deal with these instances correctly.

nic @ 08:45 | comments(10) | Permanent link

prayer updates

praise: landon's dr. said that everything sounds okay. told me a few things that he wants to be informed of if they persist, but as of right now he's not concerned. i was very impressed that he personally called me back-he didn't just give his nurse the answers and allow her to call me.

i'm sorry i never updated from my last check-up. my doctor thinks my dizziness and "fuzzy-headedness" has to do with allergies. she said my ears were congested. as a result, i've been given a prescription for zyrtec and something else. i was too stubborn to get it filled, especially since by the time i got in-i had gone 2 days feeling fine. i went a whole week without any episodes. well,.....tonight i went out and pulled weeds and edged some of our yard. wouldn't you know it-i'm a little loopy feeling tonight and my ears feel stuffed. guess i'll go get my prescription filled after all.

prayer: please continue to pray for landon. he's not eating real well (i don't blame him) and is losing weight. he had already thinned out some this summer. his shoulders are starting to look a little too boney for my liking.

playfulness: auburn and landon kept asking to help me with the yard work tonight. we have an old, old edger-one that is just a wheel with spikes at the end of a wooden handle. landon tried it a few times tonight. both of them wanted to sweep up the clippings. i'm enjoying the help while i have it, because i know that a few years down the road it won't come so easy.


sorry if this post isn't as easy to read as usual. my mind is very blurry.

nic @ 21:45 | comments(11) | Permanent link

sleeping on belly

praise: landon had a slightly better day today.

prayer: i am still a little concerned that he is having some bleeding in his throat. he frequently complains of a stomach ache. will probably call his doctor tomorrow just to verify that all is going as it should be.

playfulness: i went up to check on dalton this evening and found him on his belly. very cute. here's the pic.

sleep well!!!

nic @ 23:24 | comments(16) | Permanent link

picture updates

praise: landon is still improving.

prayer: landon occasionally complains of a stomach ache. we stopped giving him the tylenol with codine in hopes of alleviating the discomfort.

playfulness: rest of this blog will be of the fun we've had the past week.

he started like this...

i found him like this...

dalton is starting to reach for things. sometimes he achieves his goal.

my grandma janson has made each of the kids quilts when they were born (she also made me a comforter set when dave and i were married). here is a pic of dalton on his.

landon decided to read a book to dalton a few days ago. very cute.

landon convinced grandma and uncle jon to play star wars with him when they arrived last thursday.

auburn felt it necessary for baby anna to have tummy time after dalton was done.

auburn wanted to help me bread the chicken tenders friday night. my face kind of sums up the whole process (the shaking, the squishing, the sneezing...)

these next two pictures are for mr. matt and miss amber. landon felt well enough to use the stickers and paper you sent. the first is thomas the tank engine, followed by superman.

we were able to bring home the gown and cap that dave wore while accompanying landon to the OR. the kids thought it necessary to try it on.

finishing this post with a pic of the youngest. dalton eventually grabbed the ring tower.

have a great night and thanks for praying for our big guy.

nic @ 21:29 | comments(7) | Permanent link


praise: landon came through his surgery fine, and we are home now.

prayer: please continue to pray for landon. he is in a great deal of pain.

playfulness: landon was so excited to go take his nap this morning. he was looking forward to eating yogurt and opening his package from miss amber and mr. matt.

when we finally got to see him-he was a basket case. the nurse said "he won't calm down for me." he kept screaming and coughing. for those who know landon, you know that he can't stand to have anything in his throat. he always coughs and tries to throw up whenever he has something there-well he kept doing that after he woke up. which of course made things worse. he finally started to calm down once they let me hold him. i told him he could watch anything he wanted when we got home-his immediate response was "i want to watch the second one!" in reference to star wars. the funny part about it was he said it while screaming because of his throat. he didn't want to open his package after he woke up. we knew he was feeling a little better when we got home because he asked for his package. anyway-he's doing as well as can be expected. please pray that he doesn't try to throw up. he's doing much better about it-but at times he forgets and tries again.

now for some pics...
they had a cool magnet table in the waiting room. landon had fun moving the lizard and frogs around.

here he is awaiting his big "nap."

hope we see this smile again soon.

this is his appearance now.

he like his superman folder and stickers miss amber and mr. matt!!! thank you for the encouraging note to him as well.

nic @ 11:29 | comments(11) | Permanent link

landon's surgery

praise: mom and jon came up to watch auburn and dalton during landon's surgery on monday.

prayer: landon's surgery is scheduled for 7:15am monday morning. we have to be at the surgery center at 6am. please, please pray for our little man to come through this well. my nerves are a little frazzled, but i know that whatever God does is best. thank you for your prayers ahead of time.

nic @ 22:46 | comments(27) | Permanent link

trying not to fear

praise: landon is still healthy.

prayer: please remember landon and his surgery on monday. i am trying not to be fearful about the procedure. i would probably have an easier time if i didn't know someone who almost died during a tonsillectomy. they had to quickly cut open her neck to clamp off the artery that they cut. i know that this is unusual, but it does play on one's mind.

also, my nephew will be having surgery at the end of the month as well. he has to be healthy for the two weeks previous to his operation. please pray for his health as well.

playfulness: auburn decided to start off our day with a humorous moment. unfortunately, it was also a lie-so it had to be dealt with. here it is. we noticed that she had wet her diaper and dave asked her if she had gone in it. she said no. this was asked several times. dave then changed his way of asking to "your diaper is wet-who went in it?" her response-"landon."  yes, she IS the great blame-shifter.

nic @ 08:18 | comments(23) | Permanent link

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