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time for change

praise: dalton and owen are doing much better.

prayer: i still have a sore throat.

playfulness: check this out!

nic @ 08:15 | comments(123) | Permanent link


praise: a friend sent us 4 BIG boxes of diapers! WOOHOO!

prayer: dalton is on an antibiotic of throat and ear issues...again. owen has a little cold-he does sound somewhat better today.

playfulness: new pics here:

auburn does not like to have her hair done. she is learning to brush her own hair. which makes life much simpler than me doing it. she doesn't complain when she brushes it. i overheard this conversation between auburn and her aurora doll.

auburn: it's hair time!
doll: but i don't like to have my hair done!
auburn: i know, but you have to have your hair done before you can go to the ball!

hmmm...i think there has been similar conversations about church and outings at our house before...=)

nic @ 13:53 | comments(4562) | Permanent link

landon meets fire mountain

praise: we had a nice dinner out tonight as a family. can't beat feeding auburn and dalton for free and landon for $1.99! we received a few big bags of baby items tonight.

prayer: dalton is really struggling with obedience these past few days. please pray that he won't be so stubborn and that dave and i will be consistent with correction.

playfulness: tonight we tried fire mountain on eureka (where ryan's used to be). it was a big hit with the kids. the boys found out that they like breaded shrimp. towards the end of our meal-landon had the look of near-bursting. i asked him-"landon, are you full?" his response, in a not-so-quiet voice, "my tummy thinks i am-but i'm NOT!" we made him stop eating.

nic @ 23:43 | comments(236) | Permanent link

conversation of the day

praise: last week, dave came home from church with 4 bags of size 1 diapers that had been given to us-Praise the Lord!

prayer: tomorrow ends our vacation. my life will need to return to "normal", but with 4 children, instead of 3.

playfulness: after lunch, i was upstairs rocking the baby before his nap and i heard the following conversation.

aub and lan to daddy (in the kitchen): we're going to go upstairs and see mommy and owen.
(now on the stairs, both whispering)...
lan: let's sneak up.
aub: we should put glasses on so she won't know it's us!
lan: yes she will. she'll see our outfits.

as if i wouldn't have a clue who they were...

nic @ 14:40 | comments(149) | Permanent link

in forever....

praise: landon made it to florida safely and is having a wonderful time!

prayer: owen's continued good health and adjustment.

playfulness: i haven't posted in forever...things have been quite busy around our home. all of the kids have changed so much over the past few months. landon is becoming a little more controlled-emphasis on little. he's reading better every week. auburn is out of her shell that she once was in. dave and i have commented several times that she must feel like she has to fill landon's shoes while he is gone-in regards to loudness, messiness, and movement. dalton is in his "terrible twos" and keeps me running from one mess to another. he prefers to create these messes while i am feeding owen. owen (as of monday) had gained back all the weight he had lost plus another 9 ounces-putting him at 8lbs. 4oz. i wish they had measured him-because he definitely did not look like 18.5 inches to me. he is spending about 2 hours in a row looking around in the morning-which is fun. he occasionally will give a half smile. he seems like he will be a happy little boy.

kids have said many funnies over the past several months but none are as funny as dalton's "potty-training" adventures. i have a paper somewhere around here with his incidents written down-but i cannot find it-so i will have to rely on my "mommy-brain".

here are the top four.

1. after wiping himself, he blew his nose-with the same tissue paper.
2. he fell off the potty sideways because he wanted to show me something in the toilet.
3. sat on the potty for 20 minutes, then stood up to do his duties, leaving much to be cleaned up.
4. as he was stepping up onto the stand to sit down-he slipped and fell in with his arm-up to his elbow.

today, auburn-who is almost 4-decided to try to go like the boys. she found out that it doesn't work so well for girls. she also had the privilege of giving owen his first bottle today. such a little mommy!

dalton is in love with monsters, inc. he frequently will tell you "shhh...mon'ters comin!" or "mon'ters! aaaaahhhhh!!!" with his hands up by his face, eyes and mouth wide open.

landon finished his sparks skipper book review, and is working on his skipper workbook. he's very excited about the possibility of getting a skipper pin for his vest.

mommy is trying to stay one step ahead of everyone, but not always succeeding. i'm feeling great after two weeks of recovery. many people have helped out, and i'm sure that plays into my ability to bounce back.

dave purchased me a dyson right before i had owen-so i haven't been able to use it yet. he has used it a few times-and it's amazing what that thing has picked up! i learned the hard way with previous babies why some doctors recommend refraining from vacuuming for a few weeks after delivery. although, i can't say that i've ever been bummed about that "rule" before! i was actually envying my dave's freedom to vacuum! =)

daddy is working, working, and helping out with things that i can't do. as well as, maintaining his consistent play time with the kids. dave is great about making sure that he spends time with each little one sometime during the day. thanks, hon!

well, i have Bibles to imprint-so i better get those done before kids are home and baby is awake!

here are some links to recent pics.


nic @ 19:31 | comments(3567) | Permanent link

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