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praise: it's 9:21 and both kids are in bed!!!! what a wonderous thing.

prayer: dave is working on his paper still.

playfulness: dave has the picture of my coat up on his blog-please go give your opinion after reading his instructions on his april 30th blog. http://www.daveandnic.com/blog/default.asp?view=plink&id=181 

yesterday, i was calling auburn a chicken because she would sit down instead of walk on her own. after hearing this, landon said, "she's not a chicken, she's not an animal!!!!"

in my desperation for the kids to take better afternoon naps, i let landon take his on the couch yesterday. they both slept longer than usual, once again strengthening my belief that they need to be in separate rooms.

auburn has figured out how to take her pants off. it's very funny watching her push on the waistband and kick her legs until they are off. the funniest part is that landon has just recently figured out how to undress himself. auburn also knows how to get most of her shirt off.

while we were at my parents' house last evening, landon gave us all letter names.

tonight before bed, i tried teaching landon what offense and defense was in basketball. he understood to a small degree, but laughed while he was trying to "play" either. most of the time he just ran around in circles.

well, i have much to do.

nic @ 20:19 | comments(3566) | Permanent link

simple words

praise: i just found out last night that my friend, lori, is expecting baby number two. she is due early october.

prayer: auburn is dealing with a very stuffy nose again. pretty sure it's allergies. dave has a paper due a week from tomorrow (with a possible three day extension). please pray for him that he will not get a migraine as he will be staying up to the weee hours of the morning until it is completed. our pastor's wife was in a car accident yesterday morning. thankfully, even though her injuries could have been numerous, the Lord limited them to a badly broken ankle. she had surgery yesterday to have screws and a plate put in. please pray for her recovery as she is not allowed to walk on it for two months.

playfulness: auburn truly is saying her first words. they all sound similar, but her motions that go with them indicate that she is understanding what she is saying. "buh-buh" with a wave is bye-bye, and "ba" is ball. she loves to play with balls. she even tries to throw them and play catch. very funny.

another auburn "funny", (but kind of gross) she likes to try to put her hand in the potty while landon is using it. i really have to keep my eye on her. she is everywhere these days.

auburn is just full of new things. today, she picked up my brush and tried to brush my hair. she also blew her nose this morning. one frustrating thing-she loves to pull her ribbons and bands out of her hair.

my excitement for the day today was that i took our vacuum cleaner apart today to remove an embedded metal hair clip from the inner workings of the machine. took me an hour, but it is working once again (without a high pitched, metal-against-metal sound).

after watching the math circus, landon has assigned us all numbers: landon=1, me=2, auburn=3, dave=4. dave and i were discussing all of the different names that landon has given us, and how we can't keep them all straight. the amazing thing is, landon not only keeps them straight, but can flip between them in a single conversation. besides numbers, his newest thrill is opening and closing the power door next to auburn's seat in the van. affectionately known as "auburn's door."

nic @ 19:24 | comments(5) | Permanent link

truly male

praise: i'm thankful that dave has an "office" here at the house. it's just nice to know he's home, even if he is working.

prayer: been pretty tired. have all five kids tomorrow.

playfulness: landon is truly male. tonight, he was dancing and prancing around the living room-but insisted on not needing to use the bathroom. when he finally admitted that he needed to relieve himself, he grabbed a magazine (one from s&s-playground equipment), and headed for the bathroom. funny to see him walking down the hall clutching the mag.

nieces left their barbies her today. dave was wanting to show landon what boys do with dolls...

auburn has figured out how to undress herself. amazing.

nic @ 22:03 | comments(130) | Permanent link


praise: my friend, marcia, had her baby yesterday. micah john, 7lbs. 10 oz., 20 in.

prayer: my parents are flying in soon. dave is on his way to get them.

playfulness: landon has renamed each of us. the names are as follows: dave-mr. tiger, nicole-mr. bear, landon-mr. snake, auburn-mr. lion. i'm assuming this is a result of the zoo visit. tonight, the tiger was eating the snake, then the snake would eat the tiger or the bear, and so on. lots of fun running around and eating each other. much giggling accompanied the feast.

while making my salad for the seminary wives' salad buffet, landon picked up one of the dry maccaroni noodles and stuck it in my pocket. nice of him, wasn't it?

husband to have a new poll up on his blog concerning my spring coat soon. check his blog (http://www.daveandnic.com/blog/default.asp) until you see the poll, then please vote.

nic @ 22:27 | comments(51) | Permanent link


praise: the sun is coming out after a morning of rain.

prayer: my parents are flying back home tomorrow night.

playfulness: landon just said "say 'take your shirt off landon', mommy!" after i said it, i asked, "why do you want to take your shirt off?" his reply, "because you said so!"

nic @ 11:38 | comments(17) | Permanent link


praise: the weather is wonderful here!

prayer: dave has a lot of work to get caught up on, and he has a paper coming up.

playfulness: caught auburn standing in front of the stove today, licking it. she did it long enough that i was able to catch it on video.

let three oldest kids play outside today. they were filthy by the time they came in. one by one, i had them stand in the tub to get the dirt off of their feet, legs, and hands. first jenna, she did fine. then, jordan, also fine. then, landon... he managed to fall in the water (miniscule amount) and get soaked. i had to change his entire outfit.

went to jordan's first soccer game tonight. what can you say about a four year old's soccer game?

nic @ 21:05 | comments(234) | Permanent link


praise: auburn seems to be feeling much better. she's eating better, smiling more, and playing independently more. we were given a large number of very nice clothes for her. i think we are close to being set for her through christmas.

prayer: my throat is still bothering me some. i have a mole on my neck that has been somewhat sore and i need to go to see a doctor. my friend, joybeth mccarnan, is expecting her first at the end of may. baby, jack, hasn't turned yet, and she has been told that he doesn't have much room to do so. as of right now, a c-section has been scheduled for the 17th of may (also landon's b-day). please pray that jack will turn. my other friend, marcia, is due in 2 weeks.

playfulness: yesterday, the family went to the zoo. husband's blog on april 16th(http://www.daveandnic.com/blog/default.asp) gives a good synopsis of the day. one definition needed though, biffed means fell off. the wheel did so at least three times. made the day interesting. today, we asked landon what his favorite part was, his reply, "the animals." also today, we discovered that he brought part of the zoo home with him. he had about 6 splinters in his right hand. i was able to get most of them out, but there are a few that i still need to watch and work at.

auburn loves to work on my computer while i'm typing. she giggles when i repeatedly take her hands off. sometimes, she even gets daring enough to try to take my hands off!

speaking of auburn, she loves to kiss her brother!!! very cute. she gives him a kiss goodnight every evening before bed.

i got a new coat. it's a very bright aquamarine color. i love it and thoroughly enjoy wearing it. the only problem with it is that dave dislikes it greatly.

landon has declared his car bed to be his "big bed" and the couch his "little bed." he wanted to sleep on the little bed tonight. can't believe he is going to be three, one month from today.

dave and i were in the 2 year old nursery tonight. the kids loved him. at first we were a little concerned about how the night would go. three kids began to cry when they saw us. by the end of the night, they were all laughing and having a great time.

gotta go!

nic @ 21:38 | comments(90) | Permanent link

my big boy

praise: auburn does not have an ear infection. landon was given a two-wheeled bike. he is very excited.

prayer: auburn has blisters in her throat and is on an antibiotic. i'm thinking that i might have the same thing.

playfulness: auburn is crawling!!! for real, not army-crawling. very cute.

today at kroger, landon helped an older woman get some items out of her cart and put them up for the cashier. later she dropped a quarter, when he picked it up and gave it to her, she told him he could keep it since he had been so helpful!!!  also, at the store, the assistant pharmacist complimented the kids by saying that they were very well behaved. (good thing she didn't see them at the next store!)

at the second store (bed, bath and beyond), landon picked up to chip clips, which i let him hold on to to keep him entertained. while i was searching for the "perfect" shower gift, he mananged to slip one to his sister. she coverd hers in drool and he rubbed his on the ground. so now, we have two expensive chip clips. (they are very nice though.)

also, concerning the chip clips, landon discovered that if you rub the handle of the clip on our refrigerator it makes streaks!  i knew that he was using the chip clip on the refrigerator, but i didn't realize it made marks-thought he was pretending (like usual). when i finally looked, he smiled and said, "i drew you a picture!!" 

nic @ 18:40 | comments(92) | Permanent link


praise: dave made it safely to ohio. landon seems to be feeling better. our neighbor gave us some real "boy toys"-including a motorized ride-in car. watch out world-landon has his first car!!!

prayer: dave is on his way home right now. auburn has the sniffles (i'm guessing allergies).

playfulness: auburn is such a mimic. i was chewing on my pen while working on our finances. she did the "gimme" motion with her hands, so i closed the pen and let her hold it. the clicker end immediately went in her mouth.

landon has not had an "accident" in his pants since yesterday morning. what a big boy!!!

last night landon and i were talking about calling daddy. he told me that he was going to say "will you please, please, please come home daddy." "then daddy will say, 'no, buddy.'" i thought it was very amusing that he understood that dave had to stay down there one more day.

while playing with the ride-in fire truck (also from our neighbor) landon said "i'm going to seminary!" then he would get out of the truck and run into his play house saying "i'm going home". he did this over and over. these new toys should be fun for landon and his cousins this week.

nic @ 13:26 | comments(318) | Permanent link

praise: auburn got her 8th tooth in two days ago.

prayer: dave is on his way down to columbus for the weekend. pray for safety and a profitable trip. they are going to pick out dad's headstone today. pray for me and the kids as we spend the weekend without him.

playfulness: i have the three extra kids today. the oldest three are outside playing "family." landon is the dad, jenna the mom, and jordan (the oldest) is the little kid.

nic @ 12:38 | comments(94) | Permanent link

10 hours


praise: dave is taking a vacation day tomorrow. we get to go visit the loves.

prayer: landon seems to either be coming down with something, or he has allergies.

playfulness: landon stayed dry for 10 hours today!!!!!  we're so proud of him!!!

landon likes to sing "my favorite things" from sound of music. last week he sang, "when the dog bites, when the bees sting, when i'm feeling sad, i simply remember my favorite things, and then i don't feel, so fat!"

auburn made daddy's day yesterday by giving a voluntary kiss!

nic @ 21:42 | comments(55) | Permanent link


praise: it is supposed to be 60 here on tuesday. i'm looking forward to the mild weather that is to come.

prayer: took landon out in the damp, cold air today-pray that he doesn't get sick.

playfulness: today, i let landon take an umbrella shopping with us. he was thrilled to carry it outside. only problem was-the wind was stronger than he was. we were walking up to the store and the wind whipped his umbrella around, throwing him on the ground and sending his umbrella sailing down the parking lot. thankfully for us, a nice gentleman ran out into the road and caught our fleeing umbrella. he looked just like all of the nannies that were blown away in mary poppins. i chuckled for a while (and am still chuckling) at the sight of him trying to hold on to the umbrella.

also today, landon was sitting on the potty when he declared-"mommy, i broke the potty!" he had managed to take off the lid while sitting.

auburn has a new nickname-JAWS. at lunch, i gave her a fork to become accustomed to (not flimsy plastic-but kid plastic). she bit a tine off. amazing. landon has used the same fork for over a year with no such incident.

nic @ 20:29 | comments(96) | Permanent link


praise: i have the privilege of babysitting my 2 nieces and 1 nephew a few days a week.

prayer: sanity as i babysit.

playfulness: while babysitting, i am as close to having 2 sets of twins as i ever care to be. jordan is 4 (almost 5), landon and jenna are only 5 months apart, and phillip and auburn are only 19 days apart. this has proved to be interesting: two that are still not fully potty trained and two that are still not fully mobile.

yesterday, the 6 of us went outside. i had the two youngest in the pack-n-play. auburn was laying on her stomach watching us and phillip was standing up. he then decided to use her as a step-stool to see better over the side (stood right in the middle of her back). surprisingly, she didn't scream too loudly.

auburn had her first taste of dirt yesterday. while i was walking her around outside, she picked up a toy golf ball, and then decided to lick it.

my brother got my parents with a good april's fool joke. he is still having problems with his front teeth that he had knocked out and fixed about 4 years ago. yesterday, he called them up and said that his tooth broke off when he bit into an apple. they both fell for it, even began looking up phone numbers of dentists before he told them "april fools!"

once again, more things happened, but i don't remember....

nic @ 07:51 | comments(53) | Permanent link

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