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praise: dave isn't sick. please pray that he stays well.

prayer: the rest of us are sick.

playfulness: this isn't very playful-but i was laughing about it today. we've spent a great deal of time at doctors' offices this week. tuesday evening i took landon to the after hours clinic since our regular doctor didn't have any openings. the doctor there said that landon had a bad ear infection and his lungs didn't sound real good-we were given an antibiotic and were told to use the nebulizer with him. they also told me to make a follow up visit for him for today. on wednesday, i went to the doctor since my cold that i have been battling for a week wasn't going away. found out that i had a sinus infection as well as an ear infection. i was given an antibiotic and told to take a decongestant that is pregnancy friendly. thursday, auburn was unusually cranking and digging in her ear. today, we went for landon's follow-up and his regular doctor said that he had pneumonia, but that his ears were looking better. so he was prescribed pulmicort (sp?) to take through the nebulizer twice a day for the next month. i mentioned auburn's actions to the doctor, so she checked her out, too. auburn's right lung also does not sound good and she has an ear infection as well. so she is on an antibiotic and is to take the pulmicort once a day for the next two weeks. sound like fun?  not really. you should see the medicine log that i've got going on the refrigerator. i'll post a picture some time of all of the stuff that i have to wash every night to be ready for the next day. glad dalton isn't here yet. at least landon and auburn are pretty good at communicating how they feel. the pharmacist said "your trying to win the best customer of the week award!" ha, ha!!! at least they had a deal that with every so many prescriptions filled, you received a certain amount in gift cards! we've "made" $20 this week that way!!!  well, i should get some rest. it might help. hope you are feeling well and have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!

nic @ 22:35 | comments(170) | Permanent link

picture post

playfulness continued: auburn has a purple fleece outfit that dave says she looks like grimace in. she's wearing it in the following pictures.


auburn likes to help me sweep the kitchen floor. while she was sweeping, she decided that she needed to wear her backpack.

she then decided that a somersault would be the perfect thing to do next.

valentines day came and went. we purchased some items for the kids and gave them to them before dave went to work. auburn received a new mother goose dvd (mother goose goes to the farm and to the zoo) and a new hat. landon received a "first virtues" book that he's been wanting. it's a 12 book series. he's now up to 6 books and is not-so-patiently waiting for the other 6. we also gave him some more "avon" as he calls it (bath paint) and a clock for learning how to tell time. here's some pics.

his response was "oh wow!"

i'm imagining that you all will see this hat frequently this summer. it goes with almost all of auburn's summer outfits.

the following picture is of the two kids in true valentine spirit-sick. they sit on the couch and both benefit from the nebulizer. last year while landon was to use it, the doctor told me to put auburn by him when she got sick, so we reversed the orders this year.

hope you all enjoyed the post. you'll never know the grumping and climbing i endured to get it done!!!!  =)

nic @ 14:40 | comments(171) | Permanent link

boogie man

praise: dave isn't sick, yet.

prayer: the kids and i are sick. i won't be posting any pictures in this entry, because, frankly, i don't feel like getting up and going upstairs to get my camera. auburn sounds like she is improving some.

playfulness: the other night, landon calls out of his room in a deep, sad, sleepy voice. "Mooomm, Mooommm!" I went in and asked him what he needed. his response- "i lost my boogie." he had done some picking and couldn't find his treasure. this morning, he calls me in again, and in a very distraught tone declares "i've got snot!" i love sick kids.

well, hope you are all feeling better than us. i may post some "sick" pictures tonight. we'll see.

nic @ 13:03 | comments(171) | Permanent link

dr. visit

praise: auburn does not have pneumonia.

prayer: auburn does have bronchiolitis (sp?). she has been given albuterol to be administered by a nebulizer. boy, this brings back memories... thankfully, i don't think we'll have to use it as long or as frequently as we had to with landon. supposedly, our insurance purchased the nebulizer-so we'll have one on hand to use when dalton needs it (i'm just assuming).

playfulness: dave just purchased me a new desktop computer. my power cord to the laptop is unreliable. some days, i can't even use the laptop. it will be nice to have something a little quicker and more dependable. yeah!!!!


i had some other stories to tell, but since i have brain-fry right now, and dave is standing here waiting to set up the new machine, i better get going.



nic @ 20:19 | comments(125) | Permanent link


praise: test results are back. dr. says everything looks good.

prayer: dave is speaking in jr. high youth group tonight.

playfulness: today, the nurse was trying to find dalton's heart rate. he was moving around so much, that she eventually used her hand and pressed him into a "corner" so she could keep him still long enough to get a count! i think we're getting another landon!

auburn used her play phone to call "baby aubrey" (aubrey byers) the other day.

sorry-no pictures today, just stories. by the way, please check out and vote in the new poll.

nic @ 11:39 | comments(183) | Permanent link


prayer: please pray for our friends will and rachel pareja. they lost their baby this week. rachel was about 32 weeks along in her pregnancy. i can't imagine how they must be feeling at this point. the death was just confirmed today. i'm not sure if she has delivered yet, but if not-i'm sure it will be soon.

nic @ 21:15 | comments(171) | Permanent link

Superman II

praise: we had our van in today to get checked-expecting it to easily cost over $100. the bill came to $20.21. not bad.

prayer: auburn seems like she might be coming down with something again.

playfulness: dave is in the process of doing something wonderful for me right now. he took both kids to the library. i actually have some time in the middle of the evening to sit and rest with no noise, other than what i choose to make. what a sweetie!

auburn admires her brother, and therefore desires to emulate him. today she asked for a superman shirt. i let her wear the second shirt that we bought yesterday. i thought it looked like it would barely fit landon, now i'm sure it won't. i'm still glad i bought it though. she has worn it all day. she'll point to the superman character, and then say "yah-yah" (which is her way of saying landon). here are some pics.


no, i didn't let her jump.

the kids and i went to the winnbergs on tuesday. one of the things the kids ate a ton of at lunch was cantaloupe. (i'm sure meredith was amazed at how much my kids can put away). they've never cared for that particular type of fruit before, so we haven't had it in a while. anyway, i went and got one that night and just cut it up today for our morning snack. at one point, the kids were sitting at the table, eating it right out of the bowl (which i didn't mind). after eating it out of the bowl for a while, they decided it would be a lot easier if they just dumped it all over the table. (yes, they had to clean it up). the other cantaloupe "catastrophe" was when landon stuffed the remains of his overstuffed mouthful of fruit down our bathroom sink. i was able to get most of it out, but i still need to go fishing for the rest of it. kids.

at lunch today, landon decided to lick the inside of the lid to the miracle whip jar. kids.

have a great night!

nic @ 17:18 | comments(194) | Permanent link


praise: i was able to find some good deals on summer church shirts for landon today. i even was able to find one that is similar in colors for dave. now i just need to find one for daulton so i can get a good pic of my three boys.

prayer: continue to pray for my testing. i find out the results and course of action next wednesday.

playfulness: landon has become enthralled with superman. my parents gave dave a dvd of 10 old superman cartoons as a joke (since dave does a great superman impersonation). landon loves to watch them. after dave pulled out his cape for super hero day at school, landon has been running around with it on. yesterday he decided that he needed a suitcoat in order to change from clark kent to superman. we went today to value world to find him a cheap suitcoat that he could play with (rather than his good one that he wore yesterday) and a superman shirt. bingo!!! we found both. he has been having quite the fun with his new items. here are a few pictures.


Landon as Clark Kent:

Landon changing into Superman:

Landon posing after changing to Superman.

Superman's Flight!

after taking pictures of landon, auburn wanted me to take pictures of her. so here's one of her, too.

please check out dave's blog - he's got video footage of landon from his first day as superman.

nic @ 21:29 | comments(118) | Permanent link

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