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Superman II

praise: we had our van in today to get checked-expecting it to easily cost over $100. the bill came to $20.21. not bad.

prayer: auburn seems like she might be coming down with something again.

playfulness: dave is in the process of doing something wonderful for me right now. he took both kids to the library. i actually have some time in the middle of the evening to sit and rest with no noise, other than what i choose to make. what a sweetie!

auburn admires her brother, and therefore desires to emulate him. today she asked for a superman shirt. i let her wear the second shirt that we bought yesterday. i thought it looked like it would barely fit landon, now i'm sure it won't. i'm still glad i bought it though. she has worn it all day. she'll point to the superman character, and then say "yah-yah" (which is her way of saying landon). here are some pics.


no, i didn't let her jump.

the kids and i went to the winnbergs on tuesday. one of the things the kids ate a ton of at lunch was cantaloupe. (i'm sure meredith was amazed at how much my kids can put away). they've never cared for that particular type of fruit before, so we haven't had it in a while. anyway, i went and got one that night and just cut it up today for our morning snack. at one point, the kids were sitting at the table, eating it right out of the bowl (which i didn't mind). after eating it out of the bowl for a while, they decided it would be a lot easier if they just dumped it all over the table. (yes, they had to clean it up). the other cantaloupe "catastrophe" was when landon stuffed the remains of his overstuffed mouthful of fruit down our bathroom sink. i was able to get most of it out, but i still need to go fishing for the rest of it. kids.

at lunch today, landon decided to lick the inside of the lid to the miracle whip jar. kids.

have a great night!

nic @ 17:18 | comments(194) | Permanent link

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