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praise: we are all healthy.

prayer: landon is a bit concerned about 1st grade. he's "afraid it might be harder than mrs. hubbard's class."

playfulness: i will attempt to list a few funnies that i can remember from the past few months. most of the ones i remember are auburn funnies. she frequently uses the wrong word for items, and some of the things she comes up with are quite funny.

1. at a butterfly themed birthday party she attended, one of the games required of the girls to dress up as a certain object. when auburn told us the story afterward-she told us that she cried when they wanted her to dress up like a raccoon. i couldn't understand why that was so upsetting, so we kept talking about what a raccoon was, and why she should have tried to do it. a few days later, i was talking to the mom and found out that the girls were given a roll of toilet paper, and asked to wrap themselves up like a cocoon. the mom told me that you could just see the fear/tears rising in auburn as they began the activity, and then she couldn't hold it in any longer and just wailed.
2. auburn's class at church consists of about 10 girls and one regular boy. we were scheduled to work in the nursery during the evening service a few weeks back. upon learning this before we left for church, landon commented that there were only going to be girls to play with. auburn's response "you should've had a nap!"
3. after i took auburn to a wedding of a young lady in our church (also the only girl of 4 children), dave was commenting to auburn that he told the girl's mom that she wasn't going to get married. auburn looked at dave and said "but what if God wants me to?" dave was a little shocked by that comment!

tonight at church, landon was in the main service with us for prayer time. dave went through the prayer sheet with him, and explained what to pray for in each section/situation. landon, while praying for a lady with a broken arm, prayed "please be with the lady who's arm BROKE OFF! help her as she had to get a fake arm." it was all i could do to keep it to a small snicker. i just wasn't prepared for that one, and with such intensity!

Dalton: he's two. he acts two. some of his more recent escapades (not including art on walls) were: 1. standing on the potty (with the lid closed) to do his duty, 2. dumping infant rice cereal in dave's glass, on the kitchen table, on the kitchen floor and down the basement stairs, 3. climbing up to the counter and pouring his own lemonade, 4. attempting to cut his own hair (or auburn's hair, 5. sneaking out of the gate and turning the water spicket on, 6. putting his arms around a sibling's neck then falling backwards putting them in a tight choke hold, 7. eating landon's "hidden" stash of candy, and the list could go on. you may wonder where i am during these times, most likely doing something with owen. i think dalton has some sort of sensor that sends him into mischief mode while i'm feeding, changing or putting the baby down for a nap.

Owen: he's pretty easy at this point. goes down around 9:30 and sleeps until 4 or 5. this is my first baby to do this! he's very smiley, and is working hard at getting his first two teeth. he's almost sitting up by himself. loves cereal and loves to grab my food (or anyone else's). he's 19 lbs., wearing 6-9 mo. clothes and a size 3 in shoes. he's going to be another big kiddo.

well, good night.

nic @ 22:53 | comments(151) | Permanent link

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